Wednesday, November 14, 2007

’Tis the Season (to Be Stressed Out)

Turkey Day is next week and then hello, we cruise, chaotically, straight into Christmas. It’s hard to get into the seasonal spirit when the temps are still in the 80s (Texas weather = bah humbug!), but I’m trying.

It’s weird. I started obsessing about Coop’s first Halloween in August, but I’m just now starting to think about his first Christmas (and I LOVE Christmas). I think it’s because it is such an incredibly special time all on its own and add to that “baby’s first” and it’s enough to make this perfection-seeking control-freak mama’s head spin right off.

The tree must be bigger. The presents better. The celebrations brighter. And the list goes on and on. I know Cooper won’t remember any of it, but I will. And when he’s older, I’ll show him the (mounds of) photographic evidence of his mommy going crazy in celebration.

But you see, there’s a major disconnect between the holiday I’m plotting in my head and the one that will be celebrated in reality. The culprit? Namely, the debt diet. Limited funds at such an important time put a major scrooge-like feeling on the festivities. After all, how do you get bigger, better, brighter on a limited budget? Sigh.

If you were to ask the hubby he would tell you that my favorite Christmas gift is gifting others with something great. It’s such a rush — finding that perfect gift for mom or treating someone to a little goodie that was totally unexpected. It’s just unseasonable to put a restraint on that kind of joy (hint, hint o’ master of the money). =)

Another point of concern? Creating our own little family traditions. I have year-to-year things I’ve always done with my fam, as does Chris, but it’s important to me that we start our own with Coop. I’m torn. Idealistically I would think that traditions should happen organically rather than be preconceived, but … if I ever waited for fate, I wouldn’t be the gal that I am. So, the obsessive side of me has actually been googling Christmas traditions (over 2.2 million results in .06 seconds). Gonna’ have to have a heart to heart with the hubby about what we should do.

In the grand scheme of things, my whimperings are inconsequential (especially when you consider that 2 Christmases ago, the mom-in-law gave us a fertility placard to keep under our mattress to help combat our on-going battle with the no-baby business). But I still want my 3 Bs. And, I know I’m not the only Christmas-crazed mommy on a mission to make baby’s first, baby’s best.

Here’s hoping Santa receives my wish list.

-smell you later-
Coop’s Mom (aka Tessa)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try not to be stressed out of else coop will get some bad vibes from the mommy. Lets just say that it's not how much and better you want things, if that's the case you have the biggest and best of life right befor you eyes and you don't even know it. Take a look around. If you have the spirt with in you, it will show on the outside.

I to get stressed out with all the holidays. Just do what I do, take control of what you can and the rest will take care of it's self.